The Well is called to be an ever-growing group of Jesus followers with a Deep Faith and a Wide Embrace.

By Faith, we don’t mean “positive thinking”, or a vague sense or sentiment that somehow everything in life will work out okay. Rather we believe that overflowing joy, lasting peace and true transformation are found through a deep faith in Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus’ teaching, life, death and resurrection that we are brought into a transforming relationship with the living God. He is the one who has, still does, and will change everything. And for that reason, we are striving to be a community where people can encounter Jesus.

At the same time, we also believe that every Jesus-following community must have a wide embrace, reaching out to and including all people, regardless of race, gender, social class or background. Whereas religion stratifies and separates, we know that Jesus came to unite, in the love of God. All four biographies of Jesus (in the New Testament) tell this story. The truth is, the deeper our faith in Jesus goes, the wider our embrace will be.

Core Values

We’re Better Together

We all long for meaningful relationships, to be welcomed in and deeply connected. The good news is that Jesus didn’t start a new religion or write a book; he formed a community. Together, we experience God’s love, care for each and grow in our faith.

We expect the mess

No one has it all together, but Jesus meets us right where we’re at. This means we are able to be honest with each other, ourselves, and God about our struggles. We’re all on a journey of transformation, and no one has arrived yet.

Our faith is about every-day life

When it comes to relationships, school, jobs, family or our finances, we all need help. Jesus walked and worked in our shoes so he understands what we’re going through, and our faith in Him affects our entire lives. “What does this mean for me now?” is one of the most important questions we can ask as we follow Him.

The "RESET" teaching series takes deep dive into these core values.

Watch the messages to find out more.

The Alliance Canada

The Well is a member of The Alliance Canada group of churches. The The Alliance Canada is an alliance of evangelical believers, joined together in local churches, committed to fulfilling the great commission given by our Lord Jesus Christ. We are “christian” because we believe and follow Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. We are “missionary” because we are committed to reaching people with the good news of Jesus Christ. As a denomination we are committed to worldwide evangelism and discipleship. This is reflected in our commitment to plant churches around the world, to concentrate on evangelism, and to train and send into service only those who are sound in faith, filled with the Spirit of God and have a passion for reaching those without Christ. The Alliance emphasizes the need for genuine spiritual conversion to Christ, a spirit-filled life and effective service. We teach the centrality of Christ expressed as thus: “Jesus Christ: Our Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer and Coming King.” Our emphasis on the person of Jesus Christ grows out of an unswerving loyalty to the authority and inerrancy of Scripture. Our emphasis on holy living and the Holy Spirit’s power for service grows out of the clear teaching in the New Testament epistles and the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Here is our Statement of Faith.

For more information, please visit www.cmacan.org.